A clay pot cooler training program designed by CoolVeg and implemented by Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) has directly reached 7,239 people as part of Feed the Future's Yalwa Activity. CoolVeg collaborators from the Institute of Rural Economy (IER) and the World Vegetable Center (WVC) facilitated the initial Training of Trainers (ToT) workshops in Niger.
Taking place in the Maradi, Tilliberi, and Zinder regions of Niger, this program aims to reduce food loss, save families time and money, and increase access to nutritious fruits and vegetables by increasing awareness and usage of clay pot coolers.
Interviews with training participants were recently completed to measure the extent of the impacts on households who have begun using clay pot coolers as a result of the training program. A report on the findings is expected by the end of 2024.